1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the moonbow.garden moderators.

  1. No bullying! Bullying of any kind will not be tollerated by the admin or host of this instance. If bullying is your thing, then I am sorry to tell you, that on this cove of the web, it will not be tollerated. You will not be warned.
  2. We are all human beings who should be treated equally. This means that: !. Every set of pronouns, every orientation, and all who identify differently than their assigned gender are accepted here. You love who you love and you identify how you identify.
  3. Systems, meaning those who are plural are welcomed with open arms. The instance admin is plural, and accepts all plurality types including gateway, endogenic, traumagenic, paragenic, etc.
  4. If you have a passion for writing, this is your place. Writers are more than welcome here. I myself am a writer, and I believe in the free-flowing pen. All writers are encouraged to show yourselves to the world in the form of your passion.
  5. The last rule! No spam and there will be limits on how many bots will be allowed!
  6. Crowdfunding, and Mutual aid requests are allowed. Everyone comes on hard times.